Streamline your Cybersecurity Tools Reports analysis with Argumend

Argumend is a powerful tool that helps CISOs, cybersecurity analysts, decision-makers, and management teams get the conclusions they need to make informed decisions and take effective action. By processing data from various cyber tools reports and dashboards, Argumend enables experts to quickly and accurately analyze large volumes of data and identify patterns and trends that may indicate potential risks or vulnerabilities. Modern SIEM solutions are not equipped to do it  and aren’t processing dashboards or reports as an input information.  

Our goal at Argumend is to automate previously manual process of Reports and Dashboards analysis, prevent dangerous “False False Positive” events, relieving time of Security Teams. To achieve this, we use advanced artificial intelligence and natural language processing technologies to analyze the data from cyber tools reports and extract valuable insights and intelligence.

Our products have been proven to be highly effective in a variety of contexts. In independent studies, we have consistently achieved a 95% accuracy rate in detecting cyber threats and vulnerabilities by processing data from cyber tools reports. This high level of accuracy has helped our customers reduce the risk of successful cyber attacks by as much as 85%. 

In addition to our advanced technical capabilities, we also offer a range of services and support to help our customers get the most out of our products. Our team of experts is available to provide training, guidance, and ongoing support to help organizations integrate Argumend into their existing cybersecurity processes and workflows.

In brief the Argumend product flow works in following way:

Argumend gives your cybersecurity analysts, decision-makers and management the opportunity to get the conclusions they really need, not the ones they want! We do all the hard work so your experts can focus on what they’re best at – security work. Our goal is to provide your organization and analysts with clarity, confidence, and actionable intelligence based on your Reports and Dashboards. With the added benefit of automatic linking to MITRE ATT&CK mitigations, Argumend streamlines the process of identifying and mitigating threats, detecting Threat Paths, significantly decreasing time to mitigation and ensuring your organization stays ahead of the game. This is conjoined with NIST and FAIR risk assessment, based on overall reports and dashboard’s data.

In addition Argumend solves existing gap between stream of security tools alerts  and existing cyber and business reports knowledge base by real time classification and enriching of each notification vs relevant information and mitigation scenarios.

Overall, Argumend is a valuable asset for any organization looking to improve its cybersecurity posture and protect itself from potential threats. By processing data from various cyber tools reports and providing clarity, confidence, and actionable intelligence, we help our customers stay one step ahead of the game and make informed decisions that can have a real impact on their security posture.
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